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Last Updated: 2012/10/5
Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
October 2, 2012
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 7:30 PM, at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Ted Kreinik, Laura Lerman, Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Monteleone Randle, Donna Mangiafico, Jennifer Rogers, Jennifer Johnston, Sharon Cohen

Members Absent:  Rob Kaiser

Auxiliary Members Present: None

Guests:  Matt Kornhaas, Andrea Spencer

Jennifer Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

Minutes:  The minutes of the September 25, 2012 meeting were amended to say that Ted Kreinik was driving the NCAC float in the Parade.  Minutes, as amended, approved unanimously.

Officer Reports:  
  • Jennifer Johnston (Chairperson):
  • Thank you to everyone for assistance with Arts Festival.  “Tremendous event, all around, and very well received by the public and town officials.”  
  • Economic Commission and Pat Llodra have expressed interested in having the sculpture garden from the arts festival return as a permanent fixture at Fairfield Hills.
  • HBCA Arts Awards breakfast coming up soon – Oct 29th, Crowne Plaza, Danbury (arts & business partnership) – it would be good to have someone from NCAC attend. Most of the arts organizations in the area attend.
  • Jen Rogers (Vice-Chairperson):
  • Jen was asked to be judge for pumpkin festival in town along with Pat Llodra & John Reed
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary):
  • Meeting Dates for remainder of year and for 2013:
  • Next Meeting – Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 7:30 PM, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center
  • November Meeting - Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 7:30 PM, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center
  • December Meeting – Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 7:30 PM, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center
  • NCAC members agree to continue meeting 4th Tuesday every month in 2013.
  • 2013 – all on Tuesdays: 1/22, 2/26, 3, 26, 4/23, 5/28, 6/25, 7/23, 8/27, 9/24, 10/22, 11/26, 12/17
  • Agenda items:
  • Decide on agenda items at end of each meeting for following meeting.

Treasurer Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • This includes t-shirts, canvas bags, greeting cards designed by students in Newtown, posters, and puzzles.  Proceeds will go toward grants and scholarships, toward funding next year's Arts Festival, and towards other activities of the NCAC.
  • Discussion of funds from festival – to go to next year’s festival and to grants/scholarships.  Donna will discuss with the town on how to set up a scholarship fund.
Establishment of NCAC Grants and Scholarships:
  • How will we administer a scholarship?  Ourselves or through another organization?
  • 3 types of grants/scholarships
  • High School or Home School/Private School student going into the arts (merit vs. need)
  • Grant to individual artist
  • Grant to arts organization
  • Project/collaborative grant (as an example for an art show, sculpture garden, performance, event)
  • We have a grant template that we started last year – this is a good starting point for moving forward.  Jen Johnson will forward this to everyone.
  • Donna Randle will researching how other organizations handle grants/scholarships and will report back next meeting.
  • Ted Kreinik: Motion to establish an exploratory Subcommittee to look at scholarships and grants to be given by NCAC.  Seconded by Donna Randle. Approved unanimously. Donna Mangiafico is going to discuss with town (Finance) to get advice on how to set up scholarship/grants and will report back next meetings.
By Laws:
  • Discussion led by Donna M.  Donna will update By Laws as recommended and send it out for commission member’s review.
  • Article I: Name
  • Recommendation: No Changes/Adopt as is.
  • Article II: Purpose
  • Recommendation for changes:
  • The purpose of NCAC shall be to advance the arts in Newtown.
  • Add individual artist… “In addition, the NCAC encourages the work of individual artist in the community.”
  • “with the goal of making Newtown an Arts Destination”
  • “umbrella” (sentence 2)
  • Coordinate with ECD and other town organizations, as well as state organizations
  • Article III: Appointments, Terms and Vacancies
  • Jen J will discuss with Town Clerk regarding staggering of terms.
  • Should we have a term limit?
  • Limit to reappointment
  • Limit to how long you can hold an office?
  • Caveat – if there is no one available to replace a member, or officer, their terms can be extended
  • Section 3 – change “shall” to “may”
  • Section 4 – “may be terminated for lack of attendance by the First Selectman” (or can”
  • Section 4 – remove word “unexcused” --- “three (3) consecutive absences” --- or “more than 5 absences in (a year?)
  • Section 5 – written notice to Chair and First Selectman.
  • Everyone should review remaining By Laws before next meeting especially Section 4 (Organization) including Officer Positions and responsibilities.  (For example: Vice Chair role should be given more responsibility)
  • We should consider By Laws to address what items need to be voted on and addressed by the Commission as a whole
  • By laws possibly should reflect how NCAC works with Festival Committee going forward
Newtown Cultural Arts Center:
  • Subcommittee needs to start up again
  • Surveys and feasibility studies - need to be done
  • Subcommittee members: Jen R, Ted K, Laura L, Sharon
  • Sharon will look into the possibility of acting as liaison between Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers and NCAC
Promotion of the NCAC Brand:
  • Discussion led by Sharon C:
  • Need to work with other arts organization
  • Need to have better communication with other arts organizations in town
  • Need to keep our name out there – continued articles/publicity
  • Meet and greet?  - Open House?
  • Pre-Show promotion of arts orgs – booths for them to present themselves to the public
  • Insert in Flagpole program
  • Subcommittee?  Sharon volunteers to chair this committee.  Laura L will participate.
  • Section in Bee?
  • Jen Rogers – Give Robert R access to calendar/website to update directly (Robert should invited both Jen’s to see anything I update)
  • Jen Rogers – Give Robert R access to website to update directly (Robert should invite both Jen’s to see anything he updates)
Next month’s NCAC Agenda:
  • Grants and Scholarships
  • Continuation of By Laws – starting with Article 4
  • Promotion of NCAC
  • Newtown Cultural Arts Center
  • Newsletter/Website
  • Other Business
  • Public Participation
Public Participation:  Discussion of Auxiliary Membership

Other Business:  Arts Festival
  • Facebook Page needs to be updated with new dates Sept 21 and 22, 2013
Motion:  Robert Rabinowitz: NCAC will put on an Arts Festival in 2013.
Seconded: Jen Rogers
Motion approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 10:13 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Robert Rabinowitz
Secretary, Newtown Cultural Arts Commission